AllieL86: Hey girl. Life going okay?
Carlie1SC: good enough i guess.
Carlie1SC: so what's up? something you couldn't talk about in class? :X
AllieL86: No, just chatting with Gary about this weekend.
AllieL86: Some of us are going out to celebrate the end of the first full week. Saturday. U in?
Carlie1SC: doing what?
AllieL86: Dunno. Get some ice cream, see what's going on after that I guess.
Carlie1SC: and who is some of us?
AllieL86: Me and Gary and Ruben and Lea
Carlie1SC: two couples and me, huh? not awkward XD
Carlie1SC: roderick isn't coming?
AllieL86: Dad might make me bring him, but I bet I can get out without him this time
Carlie1SC: why don't you just invite him? that way it's a nice even number.
AllieL86: Pretty odd with Roderick I think
Carlie1SC: it wouldn't be a big deal. i might even be more comfortable.
AllieL86: Do you want to go out with my stepbrother? Seriously?
Carlie1SC: it's not really a date, it's just that both of us would be there.
Carlie1SC: would that bother you or something?
AllieL86: It's just I didn't really consider it
AllieL86: Are you interested in Roderick?
Carlie1SC: you got me caught in the act :D
Carlie1SC: we talked a little at the show, he's a nice guy. and i told you he's cute
Carlie1SC: but again. it's not really a date, so what's the problem?
AllieL86: No problem, but I bet he wont say yes. He doesn't like to go out so much
Carlie1SC: that's fine. if he's not interested, i won't be hurt, i swear :)
AllieL86: Okay, I'll ask him
Carlie1SC: and maybe you can get his chat id for me. i keep forgetting to ask
AllieL86: I don't know it but I'll ask
Carlie1SC: thanks bunches :)
AllieL86: You're REALLY interested in Roderick?
Carlie1SC: don't take this so serious girl. life is for living <3